Análise da aquisição de bens de capital na UFSCar campus Sorocaba: a inserção de critérios ambientais nas requisições
Public entities use the legal means to acquire their durable goods, which are
acquired through bids, regulated by Federal Law No. 8.666 / 1993. In order for
these bids to reach a higher level of success, it is necessary that the requests
have very well-defined Terms of Reference, providing all conditions for the
acceptance of the desired good, including environmental criteria. In this way,
the present work aims to identify if the requesters insert in the Terms of
Reference the environmental criteria set forth in Federal Decree n.º 7.746/2012.
As methodology was used the qualitative research, having as a bibliographical
and documentary research procedure. We identified in the Terms of Reference
how many requests have environmental criteria and in the Minutes of the
trading sessions it was observed whether the bidders can meet these requests.
After analyzing the data, it was possible to verify that, although there are many
laws, they are generally not sufficiently disseminated among the servers, so that
they are not fully implemented. Thus, the paper presents an improvement
proposal consisting of a table containing all the environmental criteria available
in the specific legislation to be used in the next requisitions. The results point to
the need to invest in training the servers so that everyone knows the available
environmental criteria and, finally, the search opens new avenues for new
follow-ups in the future bidding processes, contributing to a better
environmental management. within public bodies.