O elogio do logos em Gorgias
This work aims to discuss how, by an articulation between tree essays of Górgias, "On Nature", "Encomium of Helen" and "Defense of Palamedes", we can see logos as a central but even so problematic concept meaning, depending on the circumstances, "Speech\ lenguage" and "word". From the tree thesis enunciated on the essay "On Nature" we will try to show how the gorgian concept of logos can allow us to build an immage of lenguage wich,having a relativistic pattern, is unable to say the being of things: its dominium isn't the one of the knowledge of the Thruth but the one of the human relations giving priority on the action of the speech on the subjectivity of the ones who are listening, aiming create a belief through persuation. The central paragraphs of the Helena fit in this speculative cenario, when Gorgias shows logos as an instrument of persuation and ilusion by the fact of doxa being the only intelectual instance reachable by the man .