• Sistemas de produção de sementes de milho crioulo no Sudoeste Paulista 

      Silva, Victor Roberto da (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 15/01/2021)
      The cultivation of corn has stood out among the activities of small producers, and its grain has been used in human and animal feeding, being one of the sources of daily energy for a large part of the population. The present ...
    • Manejo da adubação com esterco bovino na cultura do rabanete (Raphanus sativus L.) 

      Marcatto, Giovanni Zonato (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus Araras, 13/01/2021)
      The use of bovine manure as an alternative to mineral fertilization can reduce production costs, reduce the need for irrigation, provide an appropriate destination for manure produced by cattle farming and better soil ...