• Análise de emoções em tweets de resposta a posts do ex-presidente do Brasil Jair Messias Bolsonaro 

      Assi, Fernanda Malheiros (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 30/08/2023)
      In recent decades, several computational advances have allowed more democratic access to the internet and, consequently, to social networks. The reach of digital politics is vast, and Twitter’s role in this scenario is ...
    • Aprendizado multilíngue e multimodal para o português do Brasil 

      Sato, Júlia Yumi Araujo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 30/08/2023)
      This work explores the domain of multimodal machine translation, which is a process that combines information from different modalities – such as text, images, and audio – to perform translations between languages. Thus, ...
    • Detecção automática de postagens possivelmente depressivas em redes sociais 

      Mendes, Augusto Rozendo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 22/11/2021)
      Currently, depression is one of the most worrisome mental health issues. In Brazil, in 2019, 10.2% of the adult population reported having been diagnosed with depression according to data from the National Health Survey. ...
    • Análise de polaridade e de tópicos em tweets no domínio da política no Brasil 

      Capellaro, Leonardo (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, , Câmpus São Carlos, 14/10/2021)
      The political scenario in Brazil is one of the busiest and most controversial in the last decade. With the advent of social networks, a new communication channel between voters and politicians was created, with users having ...