Eu não disse isso: uma análise do funcionamento da autoria nas mensagens compartilhadas de Caio Fernando Abreu e Clarice Lispector no facebook
In this term paper, we describe and analyze more systematically the questions that came up
from the research project Práticas de escrita e de leitura na rede: uma análise das mensagens
compartilhadas e dos procedimentos de sua formulação linguístico-discursivas, developed
during our graduation, in which we study a kind of peculiar and current text, which presents
itself as "phrases", some taken from literary works, which are to circulate autonomously in
social networking pages, in particular, on Facebook. This operation (production, circulation
and reception) implies certain changes in the practices of writing and reading today.
Regarding this and its autonomous functioning and its particular characteristics, we classified
these as shared messages. These are highlighted statements, especially of literary works,
which are selected, adapted , added images , which have the effect of modifying to some
extent the "meaning" of these statements . These messages are posted by the users on their
personal pages or murals friends and even in communities or pages. To select these messages
we use the homepage O Mundo de Caio Fernanado Abreu e Clarice Lispector that functions
as a repository of shared messages of these two contemporary authors. In the course of our
analysis in scientific research, one of the changes in which we are faced, and which we focus
in this term paper, is relative to the operation of authorship in the composition of such
messages. Several procedures for assigning authorship we see being employed in these shared
messages, such as the mistaken attribution of authorship, the use of phrases in the source texts
that would not necessarily part of the "work " of an author (interviews and letters), the
attribution of authorship to the entire message and not just the phrase taken from the work of
one author, etc. To identify this specific operation of authorship , for our analysis, we adopted
as a research resource not only shared messages , but also the lifting of comments from
readers who recognize the authorship, misattribution criticize, evaluate the text according to
another scheme reception (not as a literary work , but as self-help ). For our analysis, we rely
on theoretical principles of Discourse Analysis and Cultural History of Reading, based on
both theories argue about the changes in the forms of production and circulation of texts. With
our work we hope to contribute to the research on the practices of writing and reading today,
so we raise some evidence of this new reader/author who emerges with the new digital
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