Viabilidade da cultura da canola (Brassica napus L.) na bacia do Alto do Paranapanema: uma estimativa baseada em modelagem de culturas
The objective of this work was to avaliate the viability of canola (Brassica napus L.) in
different municipalities in the Alto Paranapanema Basin through crop modelling. We used
daily meteorological data of maximum and minimum temperatures (ºC), rainfall (mm) and
global radiation (MJ.m-2.D-1) of ten municipalities in the region between 2009 to 2019 and,
later, introduced in the DSSAT plataform to the determination of attainable productivity. Ten
dates of sowing were simulated, spaced fifteen days, from February 15 to June 30, with the
objective to understand the right sowing window of the canola in the Alto Paranapanema
Basin. Finally, data was spatialised with Quantum Gis software (QGis 3.18). Even though
these simulations are far from productivity indices of traditional countries in canola
production, as Canada, at the national level the region can be an exponent of production, with
average attainable productivity on the best sowing dates, between April 15 to 15 June, of
1.492,85 Kg.ha¹ and average standard deviation of 139,60. This shows the potential of canola
in the Alto Paranapanema Basin region, and should therefore have investments to quantify
and, subsequently, increase agricultural productivity.
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