A implantação da APA de Itupararanga e seus reflexos nas políticas públicas e na conservação dos recursos naturais
The APA of Itupararanga has been created in 1998 and brougt together the following municipailities areas´s: Alumínio, Cotia, Votorantim, Vargem Grande Paulista, Mairinque, São Roque, Piedade e Ibiúna. It is a very important conservation unit in the regional context, because it was created to conserve the main source of fresh water of almost 1 million people, Itupararanga Reservoir. The following research aims to measure the APA´s effectiveness and their effects in the local public s policies. For this were evaluated the municipal master plans and its intersections with the APA´s management plan, the plan´s process of elaboration and the conflicts with the zonig of the conservation unit. Moreover, the search intended to evaluate the impacts of APA´s deployment in the region using some indicators as: population growth, sewage treatment, water quality, use and land cover, environmental crimes and the hidrology of the reservoir. The municipal master plan´s elaboration showed little popular participation and interrelationship with the APA, that resulted in 12 conflicts of use and land cover between the APA´s zoning and that proposed in the master plans that covers 20% of APA´s area. The environmental indicators allow us to conclude that the APA did not exert positive influence on environmental quality in the region. The historical analysis of the APA situation allowed us to elaborate proposals for revision of master plans and mechanisms for environmental management in the region to achieve the maintenance of environmental quality and sustainable development development.