Cadeia produtiva: conexões intersetoriais e complexidade estrutural da produção brasileira
Sales, Mariana Gomes de Oliveira
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The arrangements of the production structure are divided by the links between sectors
that interconnect the set of production chains, and these structural changes impact on the
transformations of economic development. Although the literature has essays on these
impacts, the terminologies of the productive structure in terms of production chain have
always been disconnected, making it necessary to understand this dynamic from the
point of view that not only the size of sectorial links is relevant, but also the economic
distance between sectors. Thus, an interpretation will be presented about the dynamics
of transformations of these processes, seeking to discuss the importance of the
production structure, identify the production chains and the main sectors that are part of
them. In this context, the present work seeks to analyze the links of the Brazilian
production chain structure through the input-output analysis, as well as its evolution for
the years 2010-2018, through the methodology of indicators estimated from the IPM
(input-output matrix): indicator of average propagation length (APL), indicator of
structural complexity (EC) and the indicator of strength of intersectoral links, developed
by Dietzenbacher, Romero and, Bosma (2005). The results indicated that the Brazilian
economy has relevant production chains that start with the Natural Resource Intensive
Industry and Agriculture sectors. During the years 2010-2018, the economy lost some
longer intermediations in its chains, but managed to maintain its composition. The
growth rate of Structural Complexity over the years remained minimal, with no relevant
changes in structural changes in new linkages. It is concluded that its specialization
continued to focus on production in the Natural Resource Intensive Industry and
Agriculture sectors, with a positive advance in the Science-Based Industry sector, but
little progress in its development over the years.
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