A compreensão dos professores do Ensino Fundamental I sobre o processo o processo avaliativo da aprendizagem matemática na perspectiva Histórico-Cultural
This research deals with the evaluation of learning in Mathematics and is based on the
Historical-Cultural Theory, which expresses as a principle that the formation of man is a
dialectical process, which takes place through social interaction, mediated by cultural
instruments. From this theoretical perspective, assessment is inseparable from the teaching and
learning process. Considering the conflicts present in relation to this process and, consequently,
to the evaluation practices in schools for the integral development of students, we propose the
following research question: How the organization of the evaluation process in Mathematics,
developed by teachers of the fifth years of Elementary School I -Does EFI relate to your
understanding of learning assessment? Our hypothesis is that formative assessment practices in
schools are enhanced when teachers understand assessments a inseparable from the teaching
and learning process, with the aim of providing opportunities for the appropriation of scientific
knowledge. As the main objective of the research, we propose to investigate what is the
understanding of teachers about the evaluation of learning in Mathematic and what is its
relationship with the organization of the evaluation process. The specific objectives, to raise
with the teachers what they undestand about evaluation, to apprehend the organization of the
teaching learning and evaluation process in Mathematics, according to the development
forwarded by the teachers; and analyze these processes, according to the movement of
contradictions and opposites in unity. The research has a dialectical approach, an analysis
methodology based on the principles of the Historical-Cultural Theory, capturing the movement
of the teaching and learning process together with the evaluation of Mathematics, seeking from
dialectical pairs the presence of contradictions, such a the struggle of opposites in the
construction of the unity of the phenomenon in reality. The instruments used to capture the data
were semi-structured interviews with four teachers who teach, or have taught with fifth grade
classes of Elementary Scool I, and document analysis referring to the process of teaching,
learning and assessment in Mathematics, in the year 2021: Plano Teachers’ Annual, opinions,
resolutions and other legal measures issued by the Municipal Secretary of Education, before
and during the context of remote and emergency teaching, a pandemic period, which influenced
the organization of the school’s pedagogical work. Teachers understand assessment as process,
which is subjective and not systematized. When meeting prescribed objectives, determined by
legal documents and bureaucratic requeriments, they distance themselves from their
understanding and end up organizing the evaluation process in a timely manner, shifting the
evaluation from the process to the product. This relationship between the understanding and
development of the teaching, learning and assessment process is historically dated and is in
constant motion. In view of this, conflicts and contradictions arise, which we consider
dialectical pairs, a unit of opposites that talk to each other and make possible, through the
reflection of teachers, transformations in the organization of the teaching and learning process
of Mathematics. In the remote teaching peiod, teaching and learning suffered interference from
the context, there was no interaction between students and school for the construction of
collective knowledge, in addition to limitation of instruments to assess the reality of the process.
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