Uso dos mapas conceituais como instrumento de mediação pedagógica em tempos de pandemia
This study aims to analyze the possibilities of pedagogical mediation promoted using concept maps as a didactic tool by the chemistry teacher, in the context of school activities during the period of health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conceptual maps are graphic organizers used to represent knowledge, created in the 70s. This work is qualitative research, of the case study type, whose target audience were students of the second year of high school, in the subject of chemistry, in a public state school, located in the metropolitan region of Sorocaba, in addition to the participation of the teacher responsible for this discipline. For the development of the work, initially the students participated in a workshop to learn the fundamentals of conceptual mapping, later activities were elaborated that covered the contents studied in the two-month period, using the maps as a methodological strategy. Additionally, the teacher's records regarding the work developed were used. These records collaborated with the discussions about the pedagogical mediation process. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to point out that the use of conceptual maps as a didactic pedagogical tool contributed to the promotion of an environment of questioning, interaction and dialogue regarding the themes addressed in the conceptual maps elaborated by the students. These elements were essential to indicate the pertinence of using this graphic organizer as an instrument that enhances pedagogical mediation, reiterated by the teacher in his reports and discussed in the context of this research based on the analysis of the students' activities. The importance of training students in the conceptual mapping technique performed remotely during the period of emergency remote teaching was also highlighted, by facilitating the continuous use of maps by teachers and students, and also by having been an event that encouraged the participation of the students in virtual meetings.
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