O ensino dos esportes de rede com implementos nas aulas de educação física: do jogo possível ao protagonismo discente
The core purpose of the present study started from the concern about the possibilities of inclusion of Net Games with Implements in the last years of Elementary School in Public School. Net Games with Implements have shown to be a propositional action for those students who have low attendance in Physical Education classes, although it is a subject provided by the Base Nacional Comum Curricular for the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. However, many teachers claim that the omission of the modalities of these sports is primarily due to the lack of appropriate materials and space for the practice. This research aims to analyze the process of inclusion of Net Games with Implements (NGI) in the school environment, through the experience of a didactic unit, for the final years of elementary school. After a previous initial mapping with teachers, it was verified that the skills for the NGI were not being developed, a situation reaffirmed with male and female students who reported not knowing the subject. Facing the problems presented on the subject, the Qualitative and Action research was carried out with 32 male and female students from a class of the 8th grade of elementary school, through three stages: NGI didactic unit elaboration; Teaching Unit implementation, and the Teaching Unit valuation. The Data were collected through diaries of the referred classes and were analysed qualitatively through the procedure of content analysis for the survey of categories. The discussions and results indicated two categories: “The Possible Game” and “Protagonism”. About “The Possible Game”, pieces of evidence about construction and adaptation were identified, which were raised and reflected on the materials, proposed methodologies, and the tests for the inclusion of the mentioned games. About “The Protagonism”, results of action and inclusion were evidenced because of the proposals that proved to be propelling and led the students to exercise their protagonism democratically. The reflections presented in this study bring elements to dialogue about the weaknesses and strengths of the proposed Didactic Unit, contributing to the process of seeking coherent, efficient strategies and adequate methodological practices, for the inclusion of this theme in the school environment. The study enabled the production of an educational product, an e-book, in the format of a bimonthly handout, student version, and teacher version, suitable for two months.
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