O planejamento nacional-desenvolvimentista no Brasil (1946-1964).
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Nogueira, Johnny Daniel Matias
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The debate on state planning in Brazil mobilized a group of intellectuals and political actions with the aim of diagnosing the structural barriers of the economy and, thus, overcoming the condition of underdevelopment, promoting industrialization. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the theme of planning evolved in three analytical movements: in the international context, at the national level and in the thought of Celso Furtado, during the period from 1946 to 1964. The choice of this time period is justified for several reasons: first, due to the context of Brazil's redemocratization after 15 years of the Vargas government; second, by the international trend towards planning, influenced by the transformations resulting from the economic crisis at the beginning of the century; thirdly, due to the national scenario that saw the proposal of three economic plans, one of them led by Celso Furtado himself; fourth, due to the exhaustion of the laissez-faire model after two World Wars and the Great Depression of 1929, which required more vigorous intervention from the State to replace the market as a promoter of development; and, finally, due to the determination of industrial entrepreneurs, bureaucracy and intellectual sectors to complete the country's transition from an agrarian-export model to an urban-industrial nation. This study falls within the field of studies of Brazilian political thought and seeks to shed light on the complex evolution of state planning in Brazil during this critical period.
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