Variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e vegetação em sistemas de Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta
According to the concept of sustainability, agrosystems in the 21st century must
be able to maximize the quantity of high-quality agricultural products and, at the same time,
at the same time, conserve the system's natural resources. Within this perspective, the
Integrated systems emerge as a sustainable production strategy. What does it say
respect to the characteristics of the soil and vegetation of production systems, it is known that
they can vary spatially depending on intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and the
understanding the variability of soil and plant properties has potential
to contribute to increasing productivity and quality, saving inputs, and
reduction of environmental impact. In this context, the objective of the present work was to study
the spatial variability of soil and vegetation attributes in an Integration area
Crop-Livestock-Forest (ILPF) and in an area of Livestock-Forest Integration (IPF) in
São Carlos-SP using Precision Agriculture tools. For this, they were
evaluated in the study area physical and chemical attributes of the soil (depths 0-0.2 and
0.2-0.4 m), its electrical resistivity (depths 0-0.5, 0-1.0 and 0-2.0 m) and attributes
of vegetation (periods of April/2021 and April/2022). Regarding chemical attributes,
higher pH values were observed in H2O, pH in CaCl2, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
cation exchange capacity and base saturation in the ILPF system. As for the attributes
organic matter, phosphorus and sulfate, there were no differences between the two systems
productive. For all chemical attributes, with the exception of sulfate, it was noted
decreasing values with increasing depth. In turn, there was no difference
between the ILPF and IPF systems for the physical attributes sand, clay and silt, with the
amount of sand and silt in the soil did not change with increasing depth, within
the context of the classes considered in the interpolation process. For clay,
On the contrary, it was noted that it increased with increasing depth. Concerning
electrical resistivity of the soil, it was noted that it increased with increasing depth,
with no significant difference between the two production systems. Finally, also
no significant difference was observed between systems for vegetation attributes,
concluding that growth in both height, DBH and volume of trees
was relatively homogeneous. The results indicated that the techniques
geoprocessing allowed storing, making available and integrating data
georeferenced soil and plant attributes. And the spatial analysis of these attributes
through interpolated maps can provide management tools for managing
integrated systems
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