Estudo das possibilidades e desafios para a inserção de uso misto na área envoltória de empreendimentos condominiais fechados: estudo de caso em Campo Grande (MS)
Brazilian cities have always had, as one of their historical characteristics, spatial
segregation coupled with social segregation. In this context, since the 1980s, a new
pattern of segregation has been observed, based on condominium modules with
access control, predominantly inhabited by a segment of the population with medium
to high purchasing power. This occupation model profoundly alters the organization
of cities in terms of social interaction and the circulation of different groups.
Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the possibilities and challenges for
integrating mixed-use in the surroundings of new condominium developments,
conducting a critical analysis of the urban impacts resulting from this housing
typology. It also aims to develop a proposal for the integration of mixed-use on the
outer edges of a condominium module in an urban area in Campo Grande (MS),
discussing the potential and challenges, as well as the effect on local urban life. This
study is divided into two stages. The first involves conducting targeted studies to
understand the urban and social effects that these "fortified enclaves" cause in their
regions, as well as the relationship between road hierarchy and land use. The
second part involves the development of a case study on a residential condominium
project in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, with the integration of a
mixed-use strip on its edges interfacing with the city. The study analyzes the
urbanistic effects that this will cause in its implementation region, in comparison with
the more traditionally adopted model.
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