Estudo sobre o preconceito contra diversidade sexual e de gênero entre docentes de uma universidade pública federal
Prejudice, like other manifestations of discrimination, involves an attempt to inferiorise one social group to another, which can affect the health and disease process of individuals, causing them to become ill. Aim: Analysis of prejudices against sexual and gender diversity among faculty members at a federal public university. Method: An analytical, exploratory, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out with teachers from different campuses of a public university in the interior of the State of São Paulo. An electronic form was used for data collection, with questions about the socio-demographic profile of the participants and the scale of prejudice against sexual and gender diversity. Analyses were performed using regression with a negative binomial distribution and an adjusted logarithmic link function, as well as Tukey's post-test. Results: 105 faculty members participated in the survey: 52 cis women and 53 cis men. The results show that cisgender male teachers tend to be more prejudiced against LGBT+ people than cisgender female teachers. In addition, 34.29% of teachers said they would feel uncomfortable going to places frequented by transvestites. Conclusions:There is prejudice against sexual and gender diversity among teachers at university. Cisgender male professors proved to be more prejudiced than cisgender female professors, showing a relationship between prejudice and gender. The presence of discomfort among lecturers when living in spaces frequented by transvestites highlights the hegemony of structural sexism and gender violence, which seeks to deny and/or erase what manifests itself as feminine in different social contexts.
Gender Diversity. Sexual and Gender Minorities. Universities. Public Policy.
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