Contos africanos e afro-brasileiros nas aulas de língua portuguesa: a ampliação de competências leitoras sob uma perspectiva decolonial
The conception of liberating reading is present in many documents regarding
educational public policies from Brazil. However, the current scenario has been
presenting results that are still insufficient when it comes to the development of
critical reading competences in students from the final years of Middle School. In this
sense, this qualitative exploratory-descriptive research aims to answer the following
question: To what extent does a didactic sequence focused on the reading of African
and African-Brazilian short stories, under a decolonial perspective, favor and mobilize
the development of reading, comprehension and critical competences of 9th grade
students from a public school in São Paulo state? In order to carry out this research,
the first step is the elaboration and application of a didactic sequence, which is the
Technical-Technological Product created by this study, focused on the reaching of
reading, in a decolonial perspective, through three short stories: “O sagrado pão dos
filhos” (The sacred bread of sons), an African-Brazilian short story by Conceição
Evaristo, “As mãos dos pretos” (“The hands of the Blacks”), a Mozambican short
story by Bernardo Honwana, and “O Pequeno Príncipe Preto” (The Black Little
Prince), an African-Brazilian short story by Rodrigo França. The theoretical
framework chosen to discuss this proposal focuses on the conceptions of reading
strategies teaching and literary literacy, essentially proposed by Solé (1998), Jouve
(2002) and Cosson (2009). To create and apply the didactic sequence, the model by
Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2004) was used; and, finally, to discuss the decolonial
perspective, the ideas by Fanon (2008) and Queiroz (2020) are adopted. Data
collection was carried out using online surveys, reading journals and observations
from the teacher/researcher, such as records of the DS steps, analyzing them
according to the proposal by Bardin (2006). The development of the research points
to a promising result regarding the significant improvement in the critical reading of
the students involved in this work, thus showing the need to deepen this field of
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