A variação linguística em dois livros didáticos de língua inglesa e uma proposta de sequência didática sobre o tema
The present dissertation aims to: (a) analyze how linguistic variation is addressed in two English language textbooks widely adopted by a large number of technical schools in the state of São Paulo; (b) establish qualitative comparisons between the works based on an investigative framework; and (c) propose a didactic sequence on the subject, with the expectation that this topic may be further explored and, thereby, receive due attention from both English teachers and high school students. Drawing from the teacher-researcher's extensive experience of approximately twenty years teaching English to high school students, the premise is that linguistic variation is a topic that is often underexplored in educational materials and frequently relegated to peripheral discussions in the classroom. To achieve these objectives, the theoretical foundation is based on the pedagogy of linguistic variation (Bagno, 2007, 2017, 2020; Bortoni-Ricardo, 2005, 2009; Faraco, 2007, 2020, 2022), in the use of the didactic sequence model proposed by Dolz, Noverraz, and Schneuwly (2004) and in the research by Cristovão (2009) and Cristovão et al. (2010). Bloom's Taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956) is also considered in the development of the sequence. Regarding methodology, this study is a qualitative research termed document analysis (Lüdke & André, 2020), based on the framework proposed by Bagno (2007a) for the analysis of linguistic variation in Portuguese textbooks, with some adaptations for English language teaching. Although the textbooks analyzed are valuable pedagogical resources, neither addresses linguistic variation in depth, failing to fully meet important requirements - proposed by Bagno (2007a) - as shown by the results of the adapted framework applied in this study. As a technical-technological product, a didactic sequence is presented, aiming to implement new practices for the study of this theme in the future. It is hoped, therefore, to contribute to the expansion and deepening of the study of linguistic variation in English language textbooks for high school students, as well as to promote greater reflection among English teachers on a topic that is so relevant, yet often relegated to brief and superficial discussions and simplified analyses in English language textbooks.
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