O novo Ensino Médio: na teoria e prática
During an intense process of curriculum reformulation following the approval of the National Common Core Curriculum (Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)), this monography seeks to understand the main changes for a secondary school mathematics teacher and how they can prepare for them. As a teacher in training, I had the opportunity to engage in various teaching practices during internships, where I observed both teachers and students facing challenges in adapting to the new curriculum proposal. Therefore, based on a literature review and practical teaching experience, this work will present a brief history leading to the conception of the BNCC, the key changes for a mathematics teacher outlined in the curriculum, challenges in teaching mathematics, potential alterations to the proposal, a focus on the National Common Base for Teacher Training (Base Nacional Comum para Formação de Professores (BNC-F)), an exploration of active mathematics methodologies emphasized by the BNCC, and, finally, the planning and implementation of a practical teaching experience in modeling with a 1st-year High School class in a public school in São Carlos - SP.
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