Impactos do capital no controle da pauta política na era pós-digital
This thesis, established within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in Science, Technology and Society - PPGCTS at the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, aims at a analysis of the impacts of Capital in the formation of the political agenda within the era post-digital. To this end, the reading is done with a theoretical framework of studies on the control society, both in a global parameter reached in 2020, which is called Digital Totalitarianism, and at an internal level, in Brazil at least since 2013-2016, in its specific correlation with the Hybrid Wars. This reading is done, in another nuance, through a legal-social approach, highlighting the political manipulation of the normative system, triggering phenomena such as Constitutional Transmutation and the deformation of the Rule of Law. In this quadrant, the hypothesis developed based on Digital Law influenced by Human Rights and the Political Charter to form a barrier to contain the advance of capital over politics and its harmful effects on human society, giving way to the development of socio-technoscience. The methodology applied is predominantly marked by the phenomenological method, formatted from theoretical readings and political reality, apparently disconnected, especially when they denounce the injustice programmed by capitalism, duly treated to format the concepts and results presented in the research. The conclusion that can be reached is that Digital Law needs to be developed under the rule of Human Rights and the Political Charter must be preserved and, if taken seriously, they form an efficient antidote in the fight against inequality and exploitation that are based on law and technology.
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