Gênero e educação: abordagens e concepções em dissertações de mestrado no estado de São Paulo.
The purpose s work is to analyze and systematize 19 (nineteen) dissertations that focused the educational process associated to gender category presented between 1990 to 2000, in universities located in Stated of São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Carlos UFSCar; Universidade de Campinas UNICAMP; Universidade de São Paulo USP/SP and Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC/SP. Its intent is to examine how gender category has been conceptualized by educational studies, emphasizing main tendencies, difficulties and contributions presents in dissertations that articulate gender with education, in State of São Paulo. The results show there is little advancement in the junction between two areas. The works are fragmented and many themes need a profound study, mainly about the uses of gender category. In spite of some limits, gender s studies are relatively new in the Education field. However, this research observes the importance of junction between gender and educational studies because it permits to see different multiplicities. So, this fact makes to understand that there are important contributions in the articulation between gender and education. That s why the results demonstrate there is a progressive process in this junction between these two areas appointing to contributions, for example: fights against stereotypes of gender in schools; modification of a population (teachers, students); reflection about teaching work; discussions about gender discrimination in pedagogic discourses; movements into process of increasing people s understand of gender relationships; reflections about proximity between women and careers that presents low status social; emphasis in school Education as a social transformation instrument.