Um estudo sobre a creche: o que as práticas educativas produzem e revelam sobre a questão racial?
The developed research characterizes as a study of descriptive case of related
qualitative nature to the practical day-care center and that it involves the analysis of the
educative ones and the treatment of the racial question in the between zero and three years
of age.
The relevance for the development of the project is based on the importance of the
research for the black community as an subsidy for the questioning of the racial relations in
Brazil since the infantile education and due to the exiguity of works also involving this
educational segment and the racial relations. Adding itself also to this, the importance of
the research for the area of educative practical infantile education aiming at the
confrontation of homogeneity and racism.
The objectives of the research had been the following: to elaborate a theoretical
synthesis from the studies carried through on the infancy of the black child in the racial
research and to analysis the educative practical ones that occurs in the day-care center, with
emphasis in the black child, verifying the ways for which these practical produce and
disclose the question racial.
The research was developed with black children of a day-care center of the
municipal net of education of São Carlos (SP), during a period of learning semester. The
collection of data was carried through using the following resources: interview and
comment accomplishment daily of field with the professionals of the day-care center.
The theoretical syntesis concerning the question of the black child was carried
through from a bibliographical survey on the studies carried through on this child and later
production of the bibliographical revision for the elaboration of the syntesis, intending itself
thus, to give subsidies for the production of information that will contribute to supply the
racial question to the infantile education. Forty-five articles had been found, amongst
which, fourteen indicated in the heading the reference to the black child and thirty-one did
not make this reference.
As referencial theoretician, the studies developed on the racial relations from the
theoretical source of Paul Gilroy and Stuart Hall had been used searching to also articulate
these contributions in the understanding of the treatment of the racial questions in the daycare
center and the studies of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze.