Melhoria contínua em uma empresa manufatureira de médio porte: desenvolvimento de modelo e sistemática de implementação por meio de pesquisa-ação
The purpose of this proposal was to implement the Continuous Improvement
in a medium size manufacturing company, involving from the development up to the
implementation stages. A review was conducted on production continuous improvement
within different contexts as studied by various authors, including the classics in quality
management. Amongst the issues approached to, were presented the aspects of continuous
improvement, improvement types, enabling approaches of production continuous
improvement, continuous improvement management models, structural aspects of production
continuous improvement, skills for continuous improvement and continuous improvement
tools. Based on the theoretical research it was possible to develop a reference Model for the
Continuous Improvement, as well as establish a systematic for its application. The proposed
Model was applied in a medium size manufacturing company, though out Thiollent´s action
research twelve phases and according to the systematic steps. At the end of the research the
application feasibility of the proposed Model was demonstrated nevertheless, successful
results depend entirely on the company administrators´ commitment and eagerness to define
the actions plan consistent with the lacoons identified. Lack of leadership to make actions
happen was also deemed as a short-coming to overcome.