A recepção da análise do discurso na Argentina durante a "Normalização democrática" : o caso da UBA
Scola, Virginia Irene Rubio
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The following research consists in a study about Argentina s linguistic history at the moment where Discourse Analysis studies were introduced. We show this process in relation to the historical moment in Argentina: the democratic normalization. Democracy brings important changes in the society and in the universities, mainly in humans and social science. The curricula were opened to news paradigms and, particularly, at the Letter Bachelor s at the University of Buenos Aires. Linguistic was consolidated as a main discipline with her owns orientations. In this way, the Linguistic program was reformulated and a new discipline is defined: Elementos de Semiología y Análisis del Discurso . Our study consists in thinking about these changes in the research and academic s domains in which form Discourse Analysis were established and which were their characteristics. The approach is based on the concept of history by Foucault, the linguistics historiography and the notions of archive and conditions of production from Discourse Analysis. We consider which were the linguistic materials analyses and in which concepts and methodology the studies were developed. Finally, we concluded that the corpora analyzed in papers and in the two disciplines are strongly related with the context of democratization in Argentina and the analysis show a huge engagement with this reality in a latinoamerican context.