Um estudo de aspectos do sistema solo planta a partir de uma abordagem investigativa no ensino de química
The school is the privileged place for the process to the teaching and learning of the Chemistry contents to happen in the significative way. In this process, is the basic that the student interest of these contents mediated of the educator. This interest should lead the student to involve in the actives proposed by the teacher, which will result in the development of cognitive skills. The experimental investigative activity has been defended by researchers as a system that can help to motivate the students to learn chemistry and also provide skills development. Considering this context, this research have aimed to effect and evaluate learning acquired by students in a class of year of high school actives from experimental investigations on aspects of soil plant system. The data collection was effected in three stages: questionnaire previous, experimental investigative activity (level 1), that approached the conductivity of matters and experimental investigative activity (level 2) with the following theme: Some aspects of soil plant system from the development of the species growing vegetables that Rabish and rocket. The experimental actives were planned according to the class suggested by (TAMIR, 1991; PELLA, 1961). The concepts covered were: solubility, soil composition, chemical species and ions. The work was done with the contents from problem situations proposed by the teacher. The students worked in groups, raised hypotheses, experiment of the solutions that could confirm their hypotheses. For the record of their actives, the students used the board diary. For data analysis, the questionnaires and the board s diary were collected and analyzed qualitatively by defining categories. To the from these analysis it was observed that the use of experimental actives with investigative character joined with thematic soil plant, provided the context of chemical concepts. The students acquire learning and skills developed conceptual, proceeding and attitudinal. The involvement of the students during this project and the development of skills intensify the importance of using experimental investigative actives in the teaching of chemistry.