Formação técnica de nível médio em química do Centro Paula Souza e sua relação com o perfil industrial da região administrativa de Barretos
In this work it was looked to establish a relation of as the curricular components of the current course technician in Chemistry of the Center Paula Souza can prepare level professionals technician for the agro-industries of the administrative region of Barretos. First one traced the industrial profile of the State of São Paulo and the industrial profile of the administrative region of Barretos, using itself given on employability and added value of some industrial subsectors. After that a survey on the industrial and laboratory processes of agro-industries of citric, bovine meat and sugar and ethanol was made, becoming related after that, of that it forms these processes if they relate with the curricular components of the current course technician in chemistry. From interviews in four different agro-industries of the region in study, if it evidenced the economic importance of the analysis laboratories, where if it believed that the technician in formation would be being prepared. But it was observed that the formed technician could work in any industrial sector, evidencing that its final formation if gave inside of the proper industry. It was verified that the curricular components take care of the demand for qualified professionals, since few industrial processes were not inserted in the curricular grating of the course. It was concluded that it is not necessary to change the plan of course and yes, to adapt it, guided for the industrial profile of the region. Work this that can be made by the proper professors of the course technician, guided for specialists in professional education of average level and studies of the recent changes in the industrial processes.