Desempenho em questões de álgebra do SIMAVE sob a pespectiva dos registros de representação semiótica
This study aimed to answer the following research question: how students in good yield in the context SIMAVE mobilize semiotic representation registers on issues with algebraic content? The method chosen for this research was qualitative, case study technique. The uniqueness of this study is because
the teacher-researcher teach math classes for students in the ninth year of primary school, subject participants, since the sixth grade. On the other hand, our students belong to a school context that has shown good results in the external evaluation system of Minas Gerais, since 2009. We developed and
applied a test with students, composed of eight items with four alternatives each. In the resolutions ask the justification of reasoning as a means of access to the written production of our students. The quantitative performance of students revealed to us that our students use what they learn in math classes to develop into effective strategists in obtaining the correct alternative. In the
qualitative performance, how the semiotic representation registers were mobilized is directly linked to the role played by this teacher-researcher in the classroom, that is, the written record as a way to express the reasoning is treated in our classes as part fundamental development of mathematics student activities. One of the research results showed that skills SIMAVE assessment matrix to identify the relationship between the algebraic and geometric representations of a first-degree equations system is necessary and sufficient to succeed in resolving issues of this evaluation. However, the written records of our students showed that this ability is insufficient when there is need to link the internal concepts to visual elements of the graph as the slope of the line in the Cartesian plane, for example, as a necessary element to the equation of the composition.