Experiências de infâncias com produções de culturas no Ilê Axé Omo Oxé Ibá Latam
This thesis entitled "Childhoods experiences with Crop Yields in Ile Axe Omo Ibá Latam", sought to bring insights grounded in a cognitive justice perspective,
recognizing children as crop producers in their social practices and tracing dialogues with theoretical frameworks and methodological Latin Americans and
Africans. The guiding research question is; "As social practices of children's cultures in Ile Axe Omo x and IBA Latam constitute childhoods in Candomblé?".
And the goal of "Understanding how social practices of child cultures in Ile Axe
Omo Ibá Latam, unfold in educational processes and unveil new understandings and meanings on the childhood", allowed the children to bring their experiences of ancestry, corporeality and orality lived in Candomblé, through different epistemologies. The methodology was built with children and Candomblé
community with inspiration in phenomenology and semiotics of communication in order to capture the different languages of children. The data are described in a comprehensive analysis building episodes through the record collected with children. Data analysis considered the possibility of establishing dialogues
between the principles of world Yoruba cosmology present in Candomblé with the legal frameworks of the opinions CNE / CP / 03/2004 and CNE / CB / 20/2009
Children's Educational own. Considering the circularity present throughout the research aportada in exúlica logic is indicated possibilities for building an
egalitarian education through the production of cultures of children of Candomblé.