Hospedabilidade de plantas daninhas a Meloidogyne spp. e interação entre herbicidas e nematicidas para a cultura de cana-de-açúcar
The sugarcane has great economic importance in Brazil. To keep productivity several
biotic and abiotic factors can positively or negatively influence. Among them, weeds,
nematodes and synergistic action between pesticides to control both can be cited. Thus, the
present work aimed at studying possible common weeds in the mechanized harvesting
system that can serve as hosts for the root knot nematode: Meloidogyne incognita and / or
M. javanica and study the interaction between herbicides and nematicides used in the
groove planting of sugarcane. Two experiments were carried in a greenhouse at the
Agricultural Sciences Center (CCA-UFSCar), Araras, SP. The first experiment evaluated
the host status ten weeds, as follows: Ipomoea triloba (Dammer), Merremia aegyptia (L.)
Urban, Luffa aegyptiaca Mill, Euphorbia heterophylla L., Ricinus communis L., Crotalaria
spectabilis Roth, Mucuna aterrima ( Piper & Tracy) Holland, Chloris polydactyla (L.) Sw.,
Digitaria horizontalis Willd., Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) RD Webster and the control
(tomato Santa Cruz Kada) when inoculated with M. incognita or M. javanica in a
completely randomized design in a factorial 11 x 2, with six repetitions. The plants were
inoculated with 2.000 eggs and J2, and there were three plants per plot (6.000 eggs and J2
per pot - repetition). Sixty days after inoculation (DAI) the plants were removed and
evaluated according to the reproduction factor (FR), final nematodes population (PF) and
reproduction index (IR). In the second experiment the effect of interaction between two
nematicides applied in contact with the stalks was evaluated. The nematicides tested were:
benfuracarb (5,0 L ha-1) and carbofuran (50 Kg ha-1), and the herbicides applied
preemergence of culture were: sulfentrazone (1,6 L p.c. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone (2,5 Kg
ha1), saflufenacil (0,14 Kg p.c. ha-1) and amicarbazone (1,5 Kg p.c. ha-1). The experiment
was carried in a completely randomized design in a factorial 15 x 5, with four replications
in three sugarcane varieties (RB867515, RB975952 and RB975201). The first factor was corresponded to the 15 treatments and the second, to the five evaluation periods.
Evaluations of intoxication symptoms were performed at 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after
emergence (DAE) of culture. In the last assessment biometric parameters height (cm), leaf
area (cm²) and dry biomass of the aerial part (g) were evaluated. Regarding to the host
status of weeds, it was found that L. aegyptiaca behaved as host of both nematodes, with
FR > 1, higher than the control. The D. horizontalis was classified as host of M. incognita
and non-host of M. javanica. C. spectabilis had the lowest FR and PF. R. communis and I.
triloba present galls when inoculated with M. incognita, but were not considered host for
presenting FR < 1. None of the weeds tested was considered immune, that is, with RF = 0.
Regarding the interaction of herbicides and nematicides in all treatments, plants recover 60
DAE, and in treatments with the use of sulfentrazone increase in symptoms of poisoning
was observed. As for the biometric parameters evaluated at 60 DAE, there was no
statistical difference only in the variety RB867515 for height. In this case, the treatments
amicarbazone / benfuracarb and amicarbazone / carbofuran plants were higher than the
control and other interactions.