Now showing items 51-60 of 340
Capacidade para o trabalho, sintomas osteomusculares e qualidade de vida entre operadores de máquinas agrícolas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-02-11)
Introduction: Studies about work ability are relevant specially due to the population aging and the workforce aging in order to avoid early retirement. Those subjects whose employment has physical demands present more ...
Risco de lesão do trato urinário inferior pelo uso de cateter vesical de demora: proposta de um diagnóstico de enfermagem
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-02-17)
Vesical catheterization is one of the most frequently performed invasive interventions in the hospital and its indications are of fundamental importance for the patients that need it. Their insertion, maintenance and ...
Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de tuberculose resistente em hospital especializado
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-11-26)
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major challenge to the health sector, both by the high incidence of the disease and the emergence of resistant strains, making it a priority on the global agenda of Health. The aim of this study ...
Representação social do trabalho em equipe no programa de internação domiciliar e suas repercussões no cuidado integral
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-12-10)
Given the speed of the changes occurring in the political, economic, social, cultural and technological organizations in healthcare are seeking new standards for work processes and forms of administrations to respond ...
Doença crônica na infância no contexto de vulnerabilidade social: a experiência da família
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-12-15)
The chronicle disease has a permanent character and long duration. Life style and the person s environment is scenario worsen). When a child has chronicle condition, the familiar life suffers deep modifications, both by ...
Processo de trabalho e produção do cuidado de enfermagem em uma instituição de apoio ao indígena
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-01-09)
This study aimed primarily to examine the workers conceptions about the process of nursing care in an institution of attention to indigenous health care. The starting point was the reference of the work process and its ...
Auto-eficácia e qualidade de vida em sujeitos com dor crônica
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-27)
Chronic pain in various areas limits people's lives since it results on a reduction in thelevel of quality of life, disability and suffering. To evaluate and measure the perception of pain considering the complexity of ...
A atenção ao uso problemático de álcool na rede básica de saúde de um município do interior paulista : possibilidades e limites na percepção de gestores
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-27)
The new structure of attention to the risky use, abuse and alcohol dependence in Brazil, was developed inside the resulting changes from the Psychiatric Reform. The current organization of the Brazilian health system has, ...
Aleitamento materno e desmame precoce : aspectos transformadores e exclusores
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-28)
It is known by the entire scientific community the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on breastfeeding, ie, all babies should be breastfed exclusively with breast milk from birth to age six months and ...
Percepção do transplantado renal sobre a repercussão familiar ante seu adoecimento e tratamento
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-02-24)
Kidney transplantation is an effective treatment recommended to chronic kidney disease. The discovery of the disease and the waiting for transplant affects hardly all the family. The research aims was to understand the ...