Efeitos da exposição à nanopartícula de dióxido de titânio em diferentes pH do meio aquático em brânquias de curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus, Teleostei, Prochilodontidae) : aspectos bioquímicos, fisiológicos e morfofuncionais
Souza, Naiara Elisabete da Silva de
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The titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NP-TiO2) has achieved into aquatic
ecosystems through different sources, such as sewer and leaching. Abiotic factors such
as pH, ionic strength, water hardness may change the chemical aggregation of NPs as
well as the bioavailability of metals in waters result of speciation and /or complexation
with other compounds. Considering the pH variations can occur in the environment
naturally or as a result of ecological accidents and the increasing use of NP-TiO2 in
many different industries, this study aimed to determine the CL-50; 48 hours of NPTiO2
in different pH (acidic, neutral and basic) in juvenile Prochilodus lineatus
(curimbatá) and evaluating the effects of exposure to sublethal NP-TiO2 these pH using
biochemical, physiological and morphological biomarkers. After sensitivity test with
KCl, the animals were tested with different concentrations of NP-TiO2 at pH 5.0, 7.0
and 8.0 for 48 hours to determine the CL-50; 48h. Subsequently, the animals were
exposed to 1 mg L-1 NP-TiO2 for 48 hours at different pH. After the exposure period,
blood samples were obtained via caudal puncture for ion plasma analysis and
hematologic variables, and samples of gills were collected and fixed. The analytical
characterization of NP-TiO2 suggest the aggregation ability are modified of the NP at
different pH and at pH 5.0, the hydrodynamic diameter of the NP is much larger then
the others pH, which may have create difficults for the entry of NP in organisms and
caused less damage. The NP-TiO2 were considered non-toxic in pH 5,0, 7,0 and 8,0.
Exposure to NP-TiO2 pH 5.0 and ionic imbalance caused in the exposed animals,
possibly due to changes in the concentration of Cl- ions. Exposure to pH 5.0 and 8.0 and
NP-TiO2 at pH 7.0 inhibited AC enzyme. In animals exposed to NP at pH 5.0 were not
identified cloride cells with crypt surface, possibly due the blocking of these surfaces by
the large NP aggregates. Changes in concentrations of ROS and SOD, CAT and GCL
activity may indicate an imbalance in antioxidant system due to different pH and NPTiO2
exposure. NP exposure caused major damage at pH 7.0, where have lower
hydrodynamic diameter , supporting the hypothesis that the smaller the size of the
cluster,it’s easier the NP enter the body of the exposed animals.