Formação de pedagogos para a atuação com pessoas dotadas e talentosas
Inclusion policies and practices require new approaches and extensive teacher motivation, which determine to a large extent the success of the whole process. With the advent of special education targeting students in school, a dilemma was created in the type of initial training offered to these teachers, since most of them would not be prepared to attend these students, rather in specialized institutions or their Homes. In this sense, there is concern about formation for the subject of giftedness and talent, given that students with high capacity are targeted by Special Education and backed by legal provisions, which guarantee due educational attention to the full Development of their potentials and talents in an inclusive perspective. The main objective of this research was to verify and analyze the existence of the knowledge of undergraduates of Pedagogy in relation to the subject of giftedness and talent; And as secondary objective: to consult the disciplines of the curricular matrices of the courses of Pedagogy researched and the plans of education, aiming to perceive what there is in relation to the subject of Special Education and giftedness and Talent. Therefore, this study was presented as an exploratory, descriptive and documental character. The research was carried out in three Institutes of High Education (IES) that had undergraduate courses in Pedagogy, a federal university, a state university of São Paulo and a private college. A total of 118 undergraduate students from the undergraduate degree course in Pedagogy of the three IES participated in the study, and a questionnaire was used with open and closed questions with the objective of knowing the profile of these undergraduates, conceptions and if they felt prepared to deal with gifted and talented students. In order to analyze the obtained results, triangulation of the documentary data collected from each IES and the answers of the questionnaires completed by the participating undergraduates were done. The results obtained demonstrated that in general, the three IES had similar characteristics, and it was found that the courses studied sought to meet the one proposed by Resolution CNE 1/2006 and offered at least one compulsory subject focused on Special Education. The same happened with the giftedness and talent, in which the IES researched, tried to demonstrate, even superficially, the giftedness and talent to their undergraduates. On the other hand, the knowledge of the students in relation to the giftedness and talent showed that most of them did not feel prepared to work with students with high potential and that their courses of Pedagogy did not emphasize the theme.