Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Trajetórias de Jovens Mulheres LBT: Memórias de (Des)acolhimento Institucional, violências e resistências
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-02-28)
This work was based on studies on the human condition in contemporary times and has as its theme the violence suffered by people who are touched by the categories of inequalities, in particular, gender, race, class and ...
Uma costura [crítica] sobre o tecido social brasileiro: alinhavos entre roupas, relações de gênero e direitos humanos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-03-01)
Based on interdisciplinary research in Applied Human and Social Sciences, this work aims to reflect on the articulations between gender relations, possible violations of fundamental rights and freedoms and clothing, in the ...
Racismo, Higienismo e Controle Social: a construção dos espaços asilares manicomiais e de mendicidade em Sorocaba (1890-1920)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-11-11)
The objective of this work is to discuss the exclusionary profile that has developed in the city of Sorocaba, together with the implementation and operation of three asylum institutions in the city. The period analyzed was ...
Uberização e Plataformização: a exploração disfarçada de empreendedorismo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-02-19)
In the face of changes brought about by the so-called Industry 4.0 and the impetus of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the world of work undergoes a complete
metamorphosis. Intermittent jobs, linked ...
Os sentidos do envelhecimento: mulheres transexuais e travestis na cidade de Sorocaba-SP
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-02-20)
The presented dissertation aimed to analyze the meaning of aging in the life story narratives of transsexual and transvestite women residing in the city of Sorocaba, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Specifically, ...
O sujeito do desempenho em busca da performance: ética e prática das psicociências no contexto neoliberal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-02-19)
The present study seeks to understand how the "psycho-sciences" have become tools of neoliberal subjectivity, driving the performance-oriented individual in sustaining neoliberalism. The research in question aimed to review ...