Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Propriedades clinimétricas do mapa da dor e caracterização de área de dor em mulheres com dismenorreia primária
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-04-20)
Objectives: Assess the convergent validity, test-retest reliability, intra- and inter-rater reliability and measurement errors of the body map to assess pain related to primary dysmenorrhea (PD). Methods: Cross-sectional ...
Experiências e percepções de indivíduos com dor no ombro após um tratamento com telerreabilitação: um estudo qualitativo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-07-03)
Introduction: The high incidence of shoulder pain in the general population, together with the challenges encountered in the public health system, reinforce the need for effective alternatives to meet the high demand of ...
Neuropatia periférica diabética - caracterização dos sinais e sintomas nos membros superiores e implicações para a fisioterapia
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-07-11)
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an important public health problem due to its high incidence and the condition of persistent hyperglycemic, which is directly associated with several comorbidities. Among DM comorbidities we can ...
Avaliação fisioterapêutica do complexo do ombro em pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-07-04)
Introduction: Some studies have already indicated an association between Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and musculoskeletal alterations, particularly in the shoulder complex. Although the high prevalence of frozen shoulder in ...
Menopausa, aspectos psicossociais, sonolência diurna e qualidade de vida em docentes brasileiras: estudo transversal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-12-07)
Menopause is an important phase in the lives of women, especially those in the job market. The teaching category presents a diversity of demands and high qualification and productivity requirements, which can compromise ...
Atividade física no trabalho, lazer e sono em profissionais da saúde em ambiente hospitalar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-07-23)
Introduction: Healthcare professionals have had their work hours intensified with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to investigate, through objective measures, occupational physical activity (OPA) and ...
Associação entre obesidade e sintomas de depressão em trabalhadores da saúde- estudo longitudinal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-09-20)
Health professionals provide health services under working conditions that often involve risks, including biomechanical and psychosocial risks. Furthermore, depression and obesity are two worrying factors among these ...
Associação entre obesidade e sintomas musculoesqueléticos em trabalhadores – uma análise de dados secundários
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-08-31)
Background: Musculoskeletal symptoms are common and affect people of all ages and may occur in one (single-site) or in several regions of the body (multisite). Obesity may be associated with these symptoms.
Objective: To ...
Reprodutibilidade inter e intra-examinador do esquema perfect por meio da palpação vaginal bidigital
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2020-06-25)
Introduction: The evaluation of the pelvic floor musculature (MAP) is important because
through this it is possible to verify possible dysfunctions of the floor musculature
pelvic floor (DMAP) that can have repercussions ...