Now showing items 1-10 of 13
A construção dos números reais desenvolvida por Richard Dedekind
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-04-25)
In this work, we will study the emergence of incommensurability during classical antiquity and understand how this discovery was important for the development of real number theory during the arithmetic movement of analysis. ...
O ensino de sistemas lineares baseado na teoria de resolução de problemas de Polya
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-26)
he aim of this work is to analyze the teaching materials of Dante e Viana (2008) and Iezzi e Hazzan (2019), indicated for Basic Education by the National Textbook Program (PNLD), with the help of the filing methodology. ...
Modelagem matemática e a BNCC do Ensino Médio
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-26)
This Course Conclusion Work aims to build relationships between the work with mathematical modeling according to the concepts of Bassanezi (2002) and Burak (1992), and the learning objectives proposed by the High School's ...
Criptografia RSA: aspectos históricos e matemáticos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-06-24)
This work studies aspects of RSA public key cryptography and its relationship with number theory, in particular with the properties of prime numbers. The methodology is based on bibliographical research. The study is based ...
Uma análise de elementos matemáticos presentes na gravura Melancolia I de Albrecht Dürer: poliedro, esfera e quadrado mágico
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-12-23)
This monograph addresses as its main theme Albrecht Dürer's Melancholia I, an engraving that is full of philosophical and mathematical meanings. With a didactic and mathematical approach, we aim to contextualize the ...
Um estudo investigativo sobre as dificuldades dos professores de Matemática iniciantes do ensino remoto
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-26)
Many researchs bring reports of difficulties that beginning teachers faces in the classroom with face-to-face teaching, such as lonelyness, lack of preparation to deal with students, with educational management, among ...
Métodos numéricos aplicados a dinâmica orbital
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-24)
In this dissertation we aim to study the applications of numerical methods to orbital dynamics, among which the main ones are the 4th order Runge-Kutta and debugging via manufactured solution. A brief introduction to the ...
A representação decimal fracionária de números reais: aspectos teóricos e históricos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-06-21)
In this work we carry out a study on the history and concepts of development of the decimal representation of real numbers, which probably started with works by Simon Stevin in La Theinde (The tenth) in 1585 (STEVIN, 1997), ...
Uma introdução aos inteiros gaussianos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-25)
This monograph presents the principles of number theory, formally establishing important arithmetic facts that characterize the systems in question. It sought to develop theory in an axiomatic way, from the principles of ...
Utilização do modelo pictórico da Matemática de Singapura em resoluções de problemas para os 5o e 6o anos do ensino fundamental, dentro da proposta curricular do estado de São Paulo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-11-25)
Teaching mathematics is a challenge for both educators and students. It is usual to notice the lack of interest of students in Mathematics, especially when it is associated with letters and symbols, missing its real meaning. ...