Relação entre indicadores socioeconômicos, incidência e mortalidade por covid-19 na população negra do estado de São Paulo
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the incidence and mortality
coefficients of Covid-19 in black and brown people in the state of São Paulo and
socioeconomic indicators. This is an ecological study carried out from February 2020
to February 2022 in the state of São Paulo, considering the reported cases of Covid19 in black and brown people of all age groups, sex and schooling. The data related to
Covid-19 was collected from the official websites of the State Data Analysis System
Foundation, OpenDataSUS and DATASUS and the data relating to the HDI, income
and schooling variables was obtained from the official IBGE website. Initially, a
descriptive analysis of the data was carried out, then the Bivariate Global Moran's
index was calculated and the formation of clusters was analyzed. During the study
period, the Administrative Region (AR) of Registro recorded the highest incidence rate
of Covid-19 cases among black and brown people, 5569/100,000 inhabitants, and the
highest mortality rate was recorded in the AR of Santos, 379.4/100,000 inhabitants. A
weak positive spatial correlation was found between Covid-19 incidence and mortality
among black and brown people and the HDI, median income and a positive spatial
correlation between black and brown people who had completed high school. Thus, it
was concluded that there was a spatial correlation between Covid-19 incidence among
black and brown people and socioeconomic indicators in the RAs of the state of São
Paulo; as well as a correlation between Covid-19 mortality in this population group and
socioeconomic indicators in the state of São Paulo
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