Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Psicanálise Existencial, Existencialismo e História : a dimensão sócio-material e a autenticidade no processo da construção de si
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-09-29)
Toute existence implique deux structures déterminantes dans un processus subjectif: la temporalité et l'historicité. Le "temps humain" est connu historiquement et, par conséquent, il est nécessaire d'investir dans les ...
Lacan e o estruturalismo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2000-03-23)
The present work has arisen of the need to understand the Lacan statement "the unconscious is structuralized as language". With this affirmation Lacan has pointed to two important directions: His incursion to the structuralism ...
Uma discussão do conceito de pulsão de morte a partir das contribuições de Freud e Ferenczi
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-02-29)
The present dissertation intends to discuss the concept of death s drive in the works of Freud
and Ferenczi. Figueiredo (1999) debated similar subject, as he examined Beyond the pleasure
principle (FREUD, 192) and Thalassa ...
A consciência na primeira tópica freudiana
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2000-03-23)
The principal aim of this entire work is to clarify the theorical statue about the counsciousness concept in the first freudian topography. In spite of the Uncounscious discovery and its central importance in the mental ...
Mudanças nos conceitos de ansiedade nos séculos XIX e XX : da Angstneurose ao DSM-IV
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-04-14)
Anxiety has been a well-studied subject for centuries. Nevertheless, as a circumscribed pathology, anxiety only appears in medical reports at the end of the 19th century, with the works of Sigmund Freud. From clinical ...
Realidade psíquica e inconsciente em Freud e em Bérgson : considerações a partir de uma filosofia da ação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-08-27)
Although both the Bergsonian philosophy and the Freudian metapsychology have been not properly considered, in the last decades, regarding an ample debate about the nature of the mind, it is about two recent speeches that ...
Metapsicopatologia da psiquiatria: uma reflexão sobre o dualismo epistemológico da psiquiatria clínica entre a organogênese e a psicogênese dos transtornos mentais
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-12-15)
This doctoral thesis intends to analyze the main concepts of mental disease and
the problematic relation between the organicism and the psychodinamism throughout the
history of the psychopathologic ideas that came to ...
O papel do eu no início da psicologia freudiana
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-08-18)
Narcisismo e cultura: a relação entre psicologia individual e psicologia social na obra freudiana
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-08-09)
This work aims to show how the relationship between social psychology and individual
psychology is thought about in Freudian theory. It broaches the issue separating nature and
culture, which is dealt with in Freudian ...
Sublimação, pulsão de morte, superego: o papel das teses freudianas sobre a cultura na elaboração das concepções metapsicológicas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-11-12)
Considering that Freudian reflection about culture belongs entirely to the field of psychoanalytic investigation, as do neurosis or the facts of normal individual psychism, this work intends to verify how such reflection ...