Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Intuição e interioridade em Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-01-28)
The present work investigates the meaning of the notion of interiority in Henri Bergson’s philosophy and its role in the Bergsonian conception of intuition. It starts with the following thought: either the intuition of an ...
Consciência e materialidade: uma filosofia da matéria em Matéria e memória
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019-02-27)
The present dissertation is an analysis of the relation between consciousness and exteriority in the second work of philosopher Henri Bergson, Matéria e memoria, 1986. The relations between psychology and metaphysics lead ...
Metafísica, política e moral na filosofia de Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-08-26)
The objective of this research is to go through the thought of the french philosopher H. Bergson, unraveling some points exposed since his great inaugural work, Essay on the immediate data of conscience, until his last ...
O realismo de Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-10-28)
La présente thèse cherche à montrer qu’il y a un réalisme dans l’œuvre de Bergson. Pour cela, quelques œuvres qui constituent le noyau de sa métaphysique ont été analysées. On y observe le projet de l'auteur de justifier ...
A teoria da personalidade em Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-10-29)
The aim is to investigate and analyze the question of personality in Bergson. Our aim
is to explore some necessary conditions for thinking about personality, both the
properties of the notion of consciousness as duration ...