Now showing items 1-10 of 25
O obstáculo do solipsismo em o ser e o nada: Sartre entre realismo e idealismo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-12-04)
Dans cette mémoire de master, nous cherchons à aborder dans quelle mesure l'ontologie phénoménologique de Jean-Paul Sartre surmonte le problème du solipsisme dans L'être et le néant. Dans ce but, en utilisant les écrits ...
O jovem e o velho Marx: uma cartografia do problema do trabalho
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-09-05)
In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx examines the determinations of estranged work, the act of estrangement (Entfremdung) of human activity. With them, he seeks to show that when the worker is subjugated ...
Diferenças e continuidades na arqueologia e na genealogia de Foucault: entre 1966 e 1976
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2020-02-14)
This dissertation aims to study the relationship between Foucault's archaeological and genealogical researches taking into consideration Les mots et les choses archeology of human sciences; the debate raised by the publication ...
A liberdade em Aristóteles
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-09-05)
Several scholars have entertained the notion of freedom in Aristotle according to their respective aims and methods. Although their research may overlap in some aspects, they are significantly far from reaching any dialogue ...
Ipseidade e alteridade em Sartre
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-11-20)
This work aims, through an analysis of the Sartre’s pre-reflective cogito, verify how is implicit
in the structures of the being-for-itself (consciousness) the presence to itself, the presence to
the other (otherness) ...
Análise e subjetividade : a gênese do "eu" no primeiro Wittgenstein
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2017-08-11)
This dissertation aims to understand the importance of the subject to the philosophy of the first Wittgenstein. Part of the thesis that João Vergílio Cuter develops in his article "Por que o Tractatus necessita de um sujeito ...
A interpretação de Descartes nas Lições sobre a história da filosofia de Hegel
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-08-28)
According to Hegel the Modern philosophy begins with Descartes. In this sense, we
proposed to investigate what are the consequences of such a statement in the Hegelian
conception of History of Philosophy. The relevance ...
O lugar da especulação na elaboração das hipóteses metapsicológicas de além do princípio de prazer
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-06-12)
In order to understand the speculative method used by Freud to elaborate the metapsychological concepts, this study uses as a strategy following the construction of the metapsychological hypothesis developed by the author ...
O conceito de História em Voltaire
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018-03-28)
The purpose of this dissertation is to study the concept of history in Voltaire. Therefore the research embraces the conception of historical narration, the methodological resources established to verify them, and also the ...
O elogio do logos em Gorgias
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019-06-25)
This work aims to discuss how, by an articulation between tree essays of Górgias, "On Nature", "Encomium of Helen" and "Defense of Palamedes", we can see logos as a central but even so problematic concept meaning, depending ...