Now showing items 1-10 of 40
Metáforas e modelos da mente: das teorias do século XX à teoria modular de Jerry Fodor. O estatuto epistemológico das metáforas e modelos em filosofia da mente
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-05-19)
The aim of this research is to present a discussion and an analysis of the epistemological statute of the main theories regarding the philosophy of mind. In order to do that, we have developed some basic notions of the ...
O estatuto do real em Lacan: dos primeiros escritos ao seminário VII, A ética da psicanálise
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-03-13)
The present work seeks to elucidate the notion of Real in Lacan, from the first writings to the seminar VII, The Ethics of the Psychoanalysis. Initially, the relationships are privileged:
Imaginary and Real; Symbolic and ...
O sentimento do mundo: o corpo na poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-05-10)
Ce travail constitue une tentative de lecture du mouvement « phénoménologique »
de la poésie de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Ce mouvement sous-entend le temps
historique, tout d´abord, mais surtout l´opération que transforme ...
Behaviorismo radical e subjetividade.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-02-10)
In radical behaviorism, subjectivity is studied, generally speaking, in terms of the theory of private events. The theory of private events has its roots in the problem of accessibility in the thesis, that is, that a ...
Consciência não-linear: de William James aos sistemas dinâmicos.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-04-02)
William James’s scientific psychology was developed in order to surpass precedent approaches such as both Rationalism and
Associationism. His masterpiece, The Principles of Psychology (1890), has been a mark in the ...
A dialética na crítica à ilustração conforme a fenomenologia do espírito
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-07-03)
Michel Foucault e a história arqueológica.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-09-06)
The main objective of this doctor degree thesis is to analyze the philosophical
problems of Michel Foucault s archeological history presented in two of his major works:
Madness and Civilization and The Order of Things. ...
A carnalidade da reflexão: ipseidade e alteridade em Merleau-Ponty
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-12-17)
Dans quel sens, le fait de circonscrire les notions d ipséité et d altérité par le
moyen de l expérience de la carnalité devient-il légitime? Dans quelle mesure,
le rôle de la perception, du propre corps, du langage, du ...
Behaviorismo radical, ética e política: aspectos teóricos do compromisso social.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-04-01)
Realidade psíquica e inconsciente em Freud e em Bérgson : considerações a partir de uma filosofia da ação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-08-27)
Although both the Bergsonian philosophy and the Freudian metapsychology have been not properly considered, in the last decades, regarding an ample debate about the nature of the mind, it is about two recent speeches that ...