Now showing items 1-10 of 69
A riqueza do élenchos: um estudo sobre a aplicação platônica da prática investigativa socrática
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019-07-31)
Proposing a presentation regarding élenchos is not an easy task. Élenchos is primarily a synonym of inspection. Everything starts with a simple question: “what is?” (ti estí;). Ti estí basically establishes the relationship ...
Obras humanas e exigências naturais : a significação do homem no seio da natureza em Gabriel Tarde e Henri Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-04-23)
This thesis analyses the affinities between Gabriel Tarde's and Henri Bergson's philosophies of nature, focusing on their ideas about the man’s meaning, place and role among the works of nature. I will draw from a double ...
Sujeito e homem na crítica de Michel Foucault à antropologia
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-06-29)
Ce travail présente une analyse du problème de l'anthropologie chez Foucault, à la lumière des concepts de sujet et d'homme, dans ses textes du milieu des années 50, et des années 60. Le point de départ, c’est la thèse ...
Psicanálise Existencial, Existencialismo e História : a dimensão sócio-material e a autenticidade no processo da construção de si
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-09-29)
Toute existence implique deux structures déterminantes dans un processus subjectif: la temporalité et l'historicité. Le "temps humain" est connu historiquement et, par conséquent, il est nécessaire d'investir dans les ...
A Filosofia Crítica de Bergson
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013-03-08)
O problema antropológico em Michel Foucault
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-03-11)
Cette recherche de doctorat est le résultat d'un projet plus vaste intitulé «La Question de la Mort de l'Homme et de la Psychologie selon Michel Foucault». Ce projet a l'objetif d'examiner la formulation, les facteurs et ...
Nietzsche: pathos artístico versus consciência moral
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-02-26)
The present work proposes an interpretation of the nietszchinian philosophy and, more specifically, of two fundamental and constitutive aspects of his thought, that are: the discussion about the language and the question ...
Honra, prudência e justiça na obra política de Thomas Hobbes
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-09-21)
The work of Thomas Hobbes, based on the Renaissance concepts, builds a new political philosophy which results in original concepts of the state, rights and justice. This thesis focus on Thomas Hobbes most relevant political ...
O medium da transcendência : linguagem, tempo e desejo em Merleau-Ponty
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-12-16)
Le texte présentement écrit cherche, d'un côté, à faire surface au critère ontologique au fond de chaque description entreprendre par Merleau-Ponty. Dans ce sens, la temporalité révèle la racine autant des descriptions du ...
Mudanças nos conceitos de ansiedade nos séculos XIX e XX : da Angstneurose ao DSM-IV
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-04-14)
Anxiety has been a well-studied subject for centuries. Nevertheless, as a circumscribed pathology, anxiety only appears in medical reports at the end of the 19th century, with the works of Sigmund Freud. From clinical ...