Efeitos de um treino de habilidades para a vida junto a adolescentes com deficiência intelectual e em situação de acolhimento
In Brazil, the Official authorities send children and teenagers who need special legal
protection to an Institutional Shelter and/or a Foster Care, which priorities are: to promote a
health development, social and familiar reinstatement, and/or inclusion in the host family, as
much as for detachment of family or institution. However, some cases of sheltering extend the
time, which brings psychosocial consequences in development process of the foster children,
such as: feeling of unpreparedness, fear, sadness, which happens mainly after detachment.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effects of a training involving skills for life,
specifically skills of assertive communication, applied to teenagers with intellectual disability
that live in Institutional Shelter situation, which focus on improve the quality of their social
living. This is a qualitative and quantitative research. In order to proceed with data collection
we applied two semi-structured questionnaires to technical team of the institution. One of
them aimed to characterize the participants and the other one aimed to observe the
understanding of the technical team about communication skills deficit of teenagers
participants of this study. After that, we applied a board game of social interaction to
teenagers with purpose of identify deficit regards to these skills and the benefits of the board
game. The data collect were achieved through a set of conversation where the training were
applied. The analyses were based on “Content Analysis”. It has participated of this study four
teenagers with Intellectual Disability that live in an Institutional Shelter situation.The results
pointed out that the training has improved some verbal, non-verbal and also paralinguistic
components, which were in deficit regards to communication's repertoire of the participants.
Furthermore, it has pointed out that other components were developed, even they were not
part of the research: start, maintain and stop a conversation. However, some participants have
not changed regards to specific components of assertive communication. The results also
pointed out the need of application of others studies, as much as elaboration of other strategies
of intervention.