Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Proposta de um sistema integrado de gestão em segurança de tráfego - SIG SET.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-10-28)
This work presents a management tool that can be of great utility to private or governmental organizations, mainly the ones which are really considered to deal with the transit in a new, modern, efficient, efective and, ...
Percepção do portador de deficiência física com relação à qualidade dos espaços de circulação urbana.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-04-25)
This research presents the results of a survey that was carried out with wheelchair users and mobility-impaired people. The focus of the survey was in identifying the importance of the physical and environmental variables ...
Gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos em municípios de pequeno porte: sistematização de diretrizes e procedimentos.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-08-27)
A new lifestyle, with changes in the consumption patterns and generation of residues, is
imposed for humanity in Brazil, the growth of the cities and, at the same time, the
increase in the consumption of industrialized ...
Planejamento urbano descentralizado - o planejamento de bairros na cidade de Santo André.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-02-22)
This work research intends to rescue and to analyse the experience of the descentralized urban planning district planning, developed by town hall of Santo André in different moments of its history. We discussed about the ...
Análise das tendências de financiamento público para habitação social. Caso de Jaboticabal - SP.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-10-30)
The changes occurred in the 80 s decade make the municipal districts took more and more responsibility about the 90 s decade urban problems. Among them, the dwelling access amplification and low gains community life s ...
Analise de instrumentos econômicos relativos aos serviços de resíduos sólidos urbanos.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-10-30)
The developed research focuse an analysis of the concepts that permeate the creation of the Rate of Urban Solid Residues. It detached the basic notions that permeate this theme, from the sustentability concept, as well as ...
Recursos hídricos superficiais da área urbana e de expansão da cidade de São Carlos, SP - estudo multitemporal
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-04-25)
The purpose of achieving a multitemporal study of evolution of impacts in the hydric resources for São Carlos city, SP, it was elaborated an analysis of interaction among the superficial hydric resources and fountainhead ...
Sistemas urbanos de água e esgoto: princípios e indicadores de sustentabilidade.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-04-24)
An adequate management of the water supply and sewerage urban systems can reduce several negative impacts. It can also bring positive results to the environment, society and economy. The concept of sustainability tries ...
Indicadores de sustentabilidade na área de emprego: uma caracterização para o monitoramento de políticas públicas locais.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-08-29)
This research was prepared with the propose of showing the reflections about the which ones
ruled this research. It seeks to supply a conceptual frame that expresses the matters that
permeated that processors investigation ...
Análise de métodos para avaliação da qualidade de calçadas.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-09-09)
This dissertation presents the results obtained with the use of different methodologies for the
evaluation of the quality of urban pedestrian spaces. The choice of the methodologies was
based on a bibliographic review, and ...