Now showing items 1-10 of 53
O impacto da ocupação de fundos de vale em áreas urbanas. Caso: Córrego do Gregório - São Carlos (SP).
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-05-26)
The present work proposes a debate that interrelates three areas of knowledge
urbanization, urban drainage and social segregation and has the main purpose to analyze
the occupation of river marginal areas in urban ...
Conjunto residencial Parque Vicente Leporace: marco de novas concepções urbanísticas na trajetória do BNH.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2006-05-16)
This work analyses the urban project of a housing sets named Parque Vicente
Leporace. It is situated in the city of Franca, Sao Paulo State, developed by CECAP, at the
end of the 70`s. The project methodology and the context ...
Geoprocessamento e planta de valores genéricos - uma discussão das tendências e vantagens da associação dessas tecnologias.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-11-30)
This work aims at to subsidize the urban administrator, in the implantation of the Plant of
Generic Values, using tools of Geoprocessamento, with the purpose to bring more efficiency
and equity in the collection of municipal ...
Canais de Santos: trajetória do tombamento de uma identidade urbana.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-05-25)
The aim of this assignment is to understand the involvement between the city and its
inhabitants, as well as the planning tools capable of exposing its behaviour towards the dynamics
which build up the urban area and the ...
A fiscalização pública de obras particulares em Santos.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-11-19)
In today s urban cities we can observe the existence of various activities
interacting, dividing or struggling for the same space. The co-existence of commercial,
institutional, residential or leisure activities requires ...
Avaliação ambiental aplicável a bacias hidrográficas no meio urbano : análise dos métodos Amorim & Cordeiro, Pesmu e Swat
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-02-28)
The purpose of this research is to identify, systematize and evaluate three (3)
methodologies applied to hydrographic basins and developed for the planning and
management of the urban environment related to environmental ...
Estudo de impacto de vizinhança e licenciamento urbanístico-ambiental : desafios e inovações
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-11-07)
The Neighborhood Impact Study (NIS), urban instrument introduced by the Status of the City Federal Law nº. 10.257 of 2001 , has been studied in this work so as to verify its
applicability in integrated licensing procedures. ...
Parcelamento irregular do solo como forma de produção de periferia : o caso de Jundiaí/SP.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-06-15)
A influência da forma urbana no comportamento de viagem das pessoas: estudo de caso em Uberlândia, MG
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-08-26)
The city s transportation system has been a big problem in urban planning, due to constant increasing of vehicles fleet, absence of road network monitoring, air pollution, and conflicts between pedestrian and car. Therefore ...
Diagnóstico ambiental urbano da cidade de Novo Airão - Amazonas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-02-17)
Most of Brazil s municipalities are suffering environmental impacts. This situation is worse when we talk about small towns, where the framework for environmental policies is still precarious. In this ambit, when it comes ...