Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Avaliação ambiental aplicável a bacias hidrográficas no meio urbano : análise dos métodos Amorim & Cordeiro, Pesmu e Swat
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-02-28)
The purpose of this research is to identify, systematize and evaluate three (3)
methodologies applied to hydrographic basins and developed for the planning and
management of the urban environment related to environmental ...
Indicadores de sustentabilidade para gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-08-18)
One way to operationalize the concept of sustainability is through the use of indicators that are useful in planning, monitoring and evaluation steps of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) policies. They can also help the public ...
Análise das tendências de financiamento público para habitação social. Caso de Jaboticabal - SP.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-10-30)
The changes occurred in the 80 s decade make the municipal districts took more and more responsibility about the 90 s decade urban problems. Among them, the dwelling access amplification and low gains community life s ...
Identificação e avaliação de vazios urbanos na área continental do município de São Vicente (SP): potencialidades e possibilidades de uso.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-04-19)
This paper promotes an investigation into the Peripheral Urban Emptiness through
identification and analysis of the existing cases in São Vicente s Municipality Continental
Area, spatial field of study. Its main objective ...
Indicadores de sustentabilidade na área de emprego: uma caracterização para o monitoramento de políticas públicas locais.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2003-08-29)
This research was prepared with the propose of showing the reflections about the which ones
ruled this research. It seeks to supply a conceptual frame that expresses the matters that
permeated that processors investigation ...
A participação de assessoria técnica-política e da CAIXA na produção de moradias em assentamentos rurais. Casos: Fusquinha, Nova Esperança e Pirituba 2
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2008-02-08)
The theme treated on this work is the participation of the political-technical assistance and also the
CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL technicians in the housing production in rural encampments. Only
with the institutionalization ...
A eficácia do IPTU progressivo como instrumento de planejamento urbano : a experiência do município de Assis, SP
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2007-11-25)
The research at issue broaches the application of progressive escalation in the County Real Property Tax (IPTU) of empty lots in Brazilian towns, the so-called Progressive IPTU
collected in the county of Assis (SP) from ...
Acessibilidade e mobilidade em um residencial para idosos do município de Araraquara – SP
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-08-24)
As the aging of the population becomes a reality, it is necessary to rethink the
cities to offer accessibility to all its individuals, having or not some restriction of
mobility themselves. Accessibility must transcend ...
Limites do processo de formulação de propostas de diretrizes para políticas públicas de habitação social com desenvolvimento local. Caso: Itararé (SP) e região.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005-09-30)
This work inserts in the debate of the sustainable local development, specifically about the formularization of the public politics of social habitation that generate changes of regional development and participation of ...
Avaliação da experiência do orçamento participativo numa cidade média: o caso de Jaboticabal - SP.
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2004-08-30)
The strength of the county power since 1988 made possible a greater autonomy by
the counties in local range. Parallely in some counties came out mechanism of
institutional inovation which aim the common citizen to take ...