Now showing items 1-10 of 941
A riqueza do élenchos: um estudo sobre a aplicação platônica da prática investigativa socrática
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019-07-31)
Proposing a presentation regarding élenchos is not an easy task. Élenchos is primarily a synonym of inspection. Everything starts with a simple question: “what is?” (ti estí;). Ti estí basically establishes the relationship ...
O Banco Mundial, o neoliberalismo e a educação do campo no Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2017-03-15)
This study analyzes the participation of the World Bank in rural education projects in Brazil based on two hypotheses. Firstly, what means to a neoliberal political project justify poverty reduction and improve the living ...
Intervenção comportamental para mulheres com fibromialgia e má qualidade do sono ou insônia
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2017-04-25)
The present thesis is described in research papers format, whose development is justified by literature review, phase of intervention tests to improve the plans of data collection and data collection itself. PROPOSAL 1 ...
Arqueologia da imagem no ensino de língua portuguesa no Brasil (1960-2010)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-03-31)
This thesis’ general goal was to investigate the emergency conditions and the progressive rise of the imagery usage as didactic nature in Portuguese language textbooks. One of the specific goals was to study the theoretical ...
A palavra como concretude do espírito de uma época : o nascer-já-caminhando das ideologias da competitividade e a agricultura globalizada
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-03-05)
Today, there are fabulous discourses, which try to monologize the forms of economic, political and social organization in planetary level, and which present the Globalization as a homogeneous process, fruit of the “natural” ...
Transferência de alunos com deficiência intelectual das escolas especiais às escolas comuns sob diferentes perspectivas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-04-11)
In the Brazilian educational contexto, the legislation guarantees the right to education of students target of Special Education (STSE) in common classes of regular schools. The enrollment of these students in public schools ...
Autismo : um acontecimento discursivo
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-04-06)
In this research, we intend to treat autism in a theoretical, clinical and, also, a
discursive perspective. We understand it as a discursive event, considering the
progresses since the construction of the disorder category ...
Transformações políticas e indígenas : movimento e prefeitura no alto rio Negro
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-10-23)
This PhD thesis is an ethnography of policies made by the Indians in the Upper Rio Negro in two main areas: the indigenous movement and the Government’s municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas State, Brazil. The ...
Formadores de professores : aspectos da constituição de sua profissionalidade
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-02-24)
The training of teacher educators is a underexplored research topic, therefore, this research aims to understand some functions of the learning process and the constitution of aspects of professionality of teacher educators ...
Arte na educação infantil e o desenvolvimento das funções psíquicas superiores
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-06-22)
This research aims to analyze and discuss mediating activities that use Art in Childhood
Education as a way to promote the development of the Higher Psychical Functions. The
research was led by the following question: ...