Now showing items 21-30 of 2787
Famílias de crianças autistas : compreendendo a participação e os desafios por meio do olhar paterno
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-02-22)
The changes that occurred with the paternal role over the years have a more involved
parent affectively participating, whenever possible, everything that goes around your child.Such changes in parenting are changes ...
Efeitos de um treino de habilidades para a vida junto a adolescentes com deficiência intelectual e em situação de acolhimento
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-12-17)
In Brazil, the Official authorities send children and teenagers who need special legal
protection to an Institutional Shelter and/or a Foster Care, which priorities are: to promote a
health development, social and familiar ...
A relação entre produção científica e avaliação da Capes : um estudo cientométrico através da ferramenta ScriptSucupira
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-02-26)
The universities have, over the years, consolidating its role as a locus of production and development of scientific and technological research. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the scientific production generated, ...
Processos educativos na convivência e no brincar de crianças do Serviço Socioeducativo Girassol de Cristais Paulista-SP
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-29)
The Social Assistance public policy aims to ensure through an integrated set of actions, the effectiveness of social service. It seeks the fight against poverty in order to guarantee the minimum social living, family and ...
Entre imigrantes e nativos digitais : a percepção docente sobre as novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (NTIC) e o ensino da educação física
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-06-19)
This study aimed to understand facts arising from educational processes applied to the teaching of Physical Education at the level of Basic Education, established by agents of different generations and mediated by resources ...
Entre o palco e a tela : as relações do cinema com o teatro de revista em comédias musicais de Luiz de Barros
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-08-19)
This work aims to study the relationship between the “teatro de revista” (revue) and the musical comedies made by Luiz de Barros. An important name in the history of Brazilian cinema, Luiz de Barros made dozens of films ...
Entre os documentos e as retomadas : movimentos da luta pelo território em Brejo dos Crioulos (MG)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-09-15)
It has been seventeen years of struggle since the opening of the legal procedures for the recognition of Brejo dos Crioulos - a community located in the Outback North Miner, on the border of three cities - São João da ...
Processo de iniciação à docência de professores de matemática: olhares de egressos do PIBID/UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2014-05-29)
This research aims to understand the process of initiation into teaching of graduates of Institutional Scholarships Program initiation into Teaching (PIBID) at the Federal University of São Carlos, in the area of Mathematics. ...
Processos educativos construídos com participantes do projeto vivências em atividades diversificadas de lazer
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-07-03)
Children, adolescents, young people and all human beings, as such, have the right
to respect, human dignity, the fun, the enjoyment of pleasure, to his body, the most
diverse space/time/living contexts in social practices, ...
Saberes e práticas populares de saúde : os processos educativos de mulheres camponesas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-24)
The objective of this research is to learn about the peasant women s level of understanding about health and identify their common healthcare practices, as well as their process to transfer knowledge. This study is based ...