Now showing items 31-40 of 2787
Bases conceituais da teoria histórico-cultural : implicações nas práticas pedagógicas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-01-10)
The intention of this research was to analyze and clarify the conceptual foundations of the Historical-Cultural Theory, based on the Historical-Dialectical Materialism by Marx, and their direct implications for the pedagogical ...
Encruzilhadas da organização educacional : conceito de administração, de gestão e de gerencialismo na RBPAE
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-29)
This study aims to explain and categorize the concepts of Educational Administration, Management and Democratic Management within the Educational system presented on the Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da ...
As contradições do Estado avaliador: experiências do ensino superior brasileiro
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2010-08-30)
This work has as study object the evaluation processes for higher education practiced in Brazil, and it tries to investigate if they have produced some improvement in IES and in degree courses. We consider important to ...
Racionalidade instrumental, competitividade e individualismo de estudantes universitários
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-15)
This study aimed to understand the meaning and motivation that exist in student participation in various extracurricular activities in public universities, particularly in undergraduate research and student organizations. ...
A Roda da Vida no ambiente escolar : uma vivência intergeracional de Educação Musical
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-02-09)
Master's Thesis. Education Graduate Programme of Universidade Federal de São Carlos. São Carlos, 2012. This Master's thesis deals with the scientific investigation of a process of musical education among the elderly and ...
Não matarás e a ampliação do olhar reflexivo : desejo e ética na obra de Kieslowski
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-03-18)
This project aims to investigate aesthetic and signal subjects of Kieslowskian cinematographic language from the analysis of the episode 5 of the television series Decalogue (1988) and its respective version for cinema A ...
A ciência psiquiátrica pela perspectiva CTS : os conflitos pela legitimação dos cuidados aos infantojuvenis
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-02-24)
Under the approach of social studies of Science and technology (STS), tis research has analyzed issues in the current constitution of the mental health field that has taken care of children and adolescents in Brazil. Based ...
Institucionalização de políticas LGBTs : um estudo sobre a criação do tripé da cidadania LGBT no município de São Carlos entre os anos de 2009 e 2012
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-03-30)
From the mid-1990s the development of public policies for the LGBT segment gained prominence in Brazil, adopting a promotional bias of human rights (Carmona, Prado, 2009; Carrara, 2010). But it was at the end of the next ...
Mediações e distinções entre associativismo e sindicalismo de professores públicos no Ceará (1962- 1992) : A APEOC/Sindicato e o SINDIUTE
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-02-25)
This study discusses the mediations and distinctions between association and teacher
union, from the unionism phase to the formation of the teacher unions APEOC and
SINDIUTE, in Ceará. In the early phase of unionism in ...
“O mais profundo é a pele”: processos de construção de identidade por meio da tatuagem
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016-02-29)
In order to contribute to the expansion of a sociological comprehension related to body and its identity, this research intents to understand how the inked person attributes meaning to his tattoo, to construct his identity. ...