Now showing items 1-10 of 17
“Xupa, CAASO!” : masculinidades e relações de gênero na Associação Atlética Acadêmica da UFSCar
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-09-06)
This study, done from a ethnographic research (participant observation and interviews) undertaken among undergraduate students of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), specifically those who participates in the ...
Trabalhadoras domésticas e suas filhas: um estudo sobre as percepções de mobilidade social em duas gerações
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-03-24)
This work aims to understand the perceptions of social mobility of two generations from
popular class families. The participants of the research were domestic workers who migrated
between the late 1960s and the mid-1990s ...
Mulheres migrantes no contexto das fronteiras de gênero e arranjos familiares
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-04-27)
The objective of this research was to understand the trajectories of migrant families and, especially, the life trajectories and social roles assigned and represented in society and specifically in the processes of migration, ...
Profissionalismo, gênero e subjetividades na justiça paulista
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013-04-16)
This research has as its objective, by the utilization of the concept of professionalism, the analysis of the impact of the growing female participation on juridical careers over subjectivities and identitary negotiations. ...
Conselhos afetivos em tempos de cultura terapêutica: analisando manuais de autoajuda e experiências das leitoras
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-03-16)
The thesis discusses the dissemination of affective advice manuals in Brazil from the analysis of best seller books Why men don t listen & women can t read maps, What smart women know, Why men love bithes and Seduction: a ...
Delegados da Polícia Federal: profissionalismo e diferenças
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2014-12-11)
This study examines the career of Federal Police special agents in São Paulo, in order to observe how concepts like masculinity, gender and difference are articulated to professionalism by them. This study conceives gender ...
Quando o amor é travesti: casamento, amor e afeto para além da heteronormatividade
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-07-29)
The general objective of this thesis is to analyze how love relationships and the agency of love are made by observing the life course of 3 transvestites from São Paulo. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology based ...
Pescadoras de Barreirinha (AM) : conquistando direitos e resignando mitos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-10-29)
La recherche visait à analyser dans quelle mesure les femmes insertion dans'S
pêche professionnelle dans les changements Amazon et les influences de l'activité
quotidienne des pêcheurs artisanaux de Barreirinha (Amazonas). ...
Mulher no volante, perigo constante? Um estudo sobre trabalhadoras no transporte coletivo por ônibus no interior paulista
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-08-07)
This research aimed to study the work of women in public transportation by bus,
specifically those that hold positions of drivers and collectors in two companies in the
cities of Araraquara and São Carlos, São Paulo. The ...
A dimensão de gênero na análise sociológica de desastres: conflitos entre desabrigadas e gestoras de abrigos temporários relacionados às chuvas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-03-05)
The increase of extreme events related to rains, added to a vulnerable territory insertion of the poorest, generated an increase in the number of homeless across the country. Homeless are those whose home-use buildings ...