Now showing items 1-10 of 10
No interior da medida: punição e relações raciais no sistema socioeducativo na cidade de São Carlos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-09-06)
This dissertation investigated how ethnic-racial relations are evident in the
implementation of socio-educational measures applied in an open environment (assisted liberty
and provision of services to the community) ...
“Por que Fanon? Por que agora?”: Frantz Fanon e os fanonismos no Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015-09-03)
This paper discusses the different ways, uses and appropriations of the thought of Frantz
Fanon in Brazil between the 1950s and the present day. The study approaches Wynter (1999)
and Gordon (2015) to identify the ...
Entre diversidade e diferença: o programa de Ações Afirmativas da UFSCar e as vivências dos estudantes indígenas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2012-06-29)
This search staring of educational policies for higher education for the indigenous population from the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, that, at least in law, obtained their rights guaranteed and their ethnic ...
As construções e representações sociais de identidades culturais negras no subdistrito do Grajaú
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2023-02-28)
This study, called “The constructions and social representations of black cultural identities in the Grajaú subdistrict”, consists of a research that aimed to articulate studies developed in the field of racial relations, ...
Ação afirmativa e raça no Brasil: uma análise de enquadramento midiático do debate político contemporâneo sobre a redefinição simbólica da nação
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-03-03)
Juntos mais desiguais: um desejo de "nação" paulista não-realizado
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011-09-21)
Assuming that every nation is an imagined community concept created by Benedict Anderson in his book Imagined Communities I propose a discussion about the existence of different projects for the construction of a ...
Mobilidade ascendente, identidade e estilos de vida do negro (a) no interior paulista: o caso de São Carlos e Araraquara
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-09-25)
This work has the focus to bring reflection about identity and trajectory of some black professionals and businessman from west of the State of Sao Paulo. We search to know how these black people walk their path and lifestyle ...
Raça e Estado democrático: o debate sociojurídico acerca das políticas de ação afirmativa no Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2009-03-02)
Brasil na tela: a narrativa da nação a partir das telenovelas brasileiras e seus alcances transnacionais (1970-1985)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2021-06-11)
Brazilian teledramaturgy is recognized worldwide as a reference for productions that propose a
realistic style. The assumed aesthetics, therefore, demanded that the genre adapts to the
demands of the public, who, in ...
Repensando o negro no debate da formação social brasileira: a contribuição de Joel Rufino dos Santos
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-02-28)
The work of Joel Rufino dos Santos contains an important reflection on the contemporary world, emphasizing a new version of Brazilian history in the midst of the consolidation of industrial society in Brazil, a moment when ...