Now showing items 201-209 of 209
Judicialização e ativismo judicial na mídia - os efeitos da COVID-19 na imagem pública do Judiciário brasileiro
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-03-05)
The research focuses on the public image of the Brazilian Judiciary and aims to analyze its potential influence by historical-contextual factors, as depicted in journalistic portrayals of its performance. The primary ...
“Onde a ação se une com a ideia": as batalhas de Rap em São Carlos-SP
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-06-08)
In this research, I analyze sociologically the Battles of Rap and the Slams in São Carlos- SP city, with the objective of identify the social representation, narratives, tensions, contradiction and possible linguistic and ...
“Em busca de um patrocínio”: uma análise sobre o produto “relacionamentos sugar” em mídias digitais brasileiras
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-09-04)
Relationships that combine financial support and affective exchange have been extensively studied in national and international research on sexual economies. With the popularization of digital media in Brazil over the last ...
“A gente se vira nas entregas”: experiências de trabalho dos cicloentregadores à luz do discurso empreendedor
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-06-14)
Au milieu des récentes évolutions impliquant l'intensification de la flexibilité des
relations et des contrats de travail, associée à l'impératif d'une rationalité entrepreneuriale
comme moyen de justifier les modes ...
Seguindo a jornada de um celular: etnografia do circuito sacoleiro entre Paraguai e Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-05-09)
There is a cellphone trade that happens mainly from Ciudad del Este (PY). It will be presented based on two specific journeys: “artisan” and “systematic”. This research is part of a movement that aims to think about different ...
"O negro toca, o negro canta e o negro dança, foi lá no meu terreiro que aprendi desde a infância": a prática cultural do samba enquanto uma encruzilhada de experiências e agências afro-diaspóricas
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-03-01)
This research was interested in the cultural practice of samba, especially in the city of
Londrina (PR). The main sociological problem that guided the work is around the following
question: to what extent does the cultural ...
Onde a confiança bate o martelo: histórias e disputas no mercado brasileiro de leilões
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-06-06)
Auctions constitute a vast market in contemporary Brazil, particularly concerning the trade of used vehicles. These dynamic spaces constitute lucrative and contested terrains, serving as essential hubs for the sale, ...
Os intelectuais públicos negros e o processo de democratização da política brasileira (1985-2012)
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2022-06-10)
This research aims to analyze the role of black public intellectuals in the process of
democratization in Brazil. In more specific terms, we will seek to respond to the following
objectives: a) map and analyze the main ...
Das letras aos números: a produção de estatísticas e ativismos pelos movimentos LGBTI+
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2024-08-07)
This dissertation seeks to discuss the production of statistics by LGBTI+ movements, which from the second decade of the 2000s have consolidated the use of numerical narratives as a political strategy. To do so, we interweave ...